Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pumpkin Faces!

     It might be a little early but I couldn't help myself. My favorite season is fall and my favorite holiday is Halloween!!!

     My favorite team is Oregon State (which their school colors are orange and black) so it's like a plus when Halloween rolls around...

     Any way my favorite part of Halloween is carving pumpkins. I love making different pictures and different faces.

     The following are some of my favs that I have found randomly surfing the interwebs. I love how people can get so detailed... and extremely creative. Enjoy:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

WTF ??

     So, something funny for y'all. Driving down the interstate and trying to obey the speed limit. We were driving through Indiana I believe when we came across a couple of these signs. So we know it was NO accident.

     This would have made it very easy to get out of a speeding ticket though. We can just say we were confused as to which sign to listen to.

     There is no construction either... no obstructions to even have 2 speed limit signs... two lanes for each side of the highway/interstate.  WTF ??