Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Turkey Day!

     I have seen some really bizzare pictures of turkeys made from hand prints, cakes, cut outs, and even 3D sculptures but I think I have finally found a picture that is the icing on the cake.

     I went to a Thanksgiving party yesterday and there was a sign across the back wall written in big letters H-A-P-P-Y (picture of a turkey) T-H-A-N-K-S-G-I-V-I-N-G. It was a cute picture and unknowingly produced a new definition of "turkey breasts" :

H A P P Y   TA N K S G I V I N G !!!

Party Pack!

     The other day boyfriend and I went to Taco Bell to pick up some food for lunch. We wanted 10 hard shell tacos and they offered us a "Party Pack" which is 12 tacos for $10. We thought okay and said "sure."

     So we roll through the drive-thru and  pick up our food. We get back to my moms house and open up our glorious buffet and find that apparently working at Taco Bell impairs your brain. We got 10 tacos. Not 12 that we paid for. Just 10. Ugh!

     This is the picture of the box the tacos came in.

     This is the way I see it...

     Now what could possibly be in this box to make it look so fun? Here are a few ideas I had in mind when I saw it...    :)

     But instead we just got 10 tacos. No party, no dancing, and no fun stuff. Just a miscounted number of tacos.   :(

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Good Will Comes Cheap

     Literally. I have been shown the light. I have recently left my job so I now have no income and currently looking for something new. Stepping out of the food business area.

     One of the girls I work with, Sam, introduced me to shopping at Good Will. I was reluctant to go the first time. I was one of those people who think "Psh it's a donation store, what good can you find there?" We walked in and she showed me the way she does things.

     First of all they do this thing where they make their price tags a different color and every week they pick a new color and any clothing item with that color tag is $.99. Where can you find a better deal than that???

     Second of all most of the clothes I do find that I do like are usually $.99 and some of them still have the store tags on them and marked down to $.99. I found a Gordman's dress tank top with the store tag on it for $14.99. Good Will's price tag said $3.49 but because it was the color of the week it was $.99. Awesome!!

     Third of all they have lots of decoration items. Some of these I think are over priced but sometimes you get a good deal on some items.

     I can go to Good Will and get a whole new wardrobe for 20 bucks. It's amazing! They have jean shorts, workout shorts, sweat shorts, jeans, sweat pants, business pants, tank tops, dress shirts, T-shirts, club shirts, coats, jackets, long-sleeve T-shirts, sweat shirts, and dresses. Anything you can think of because it's all donated you can find any brand name for very cheap. Love it.

     I also found 2 Aeropostle long sleeve t-shirts for 99 cents each that both still had the store tags on it. I wear them all the time.

     So, if you're on a budget, like me, try Good Will. I bet you'll find something too. But be careful... it's addictive.

Friday, November 18, 2011

How Do You Spell That?

   Simple names like Shane, Michaela, Quin, Amanda, or even Zoe have become so "old school" that they have become boring. People have now decided that they need to add a little spice to their baby names.

     My parents have their own business and they personalize their items. It gets very frustrating when someone asks if we have a name and its spelled so bizarre that it doesn't look like what it sounds like. We had someone looking for a "Qwynn" the other day. We also took an order for a "Zooey" pronounced as "Zoh-E". 

     Some of the names people come up with are just insane. For example someone asked for "Duce" as in Deuce. Not Duke. Deuce. Seriously??? What the ell inspired you to pick that name? Did your husband say he needed to go drop a Deuce and you decided "Hm, deuce, that sounds pretty." Hell no. That poor kid is going to get hell all his life because his name means poop in todays terms.

     We have been asked for 4 different spellings for the name Peyton, Peyten, Payton, and Payten. We had someone ask for an "Ahlivia," "Haegan," and a "Jeck". I don't know how people come up with some of these names but we have a couple theories.

     1. We believe that people put letters in 2 hats. Vowels in one and consonants in the other and people just pick from one at a time. like Qwynn, They just picked all consonants and made it work.

     2. We also believe that people take the magnetic alphabet letters and throw them onto the fridge and make a word out of the biggest cluster of letters.

     3. We believe that people also might blind fold themselves and pick random letters from the alphabet.

     4. We also believe that people take boggle dice, shake them and make a name.

     5. We think that people also take a board, a big board, put the letters all over it and then proceed to throw darts at letters to make the name.

     I'm sure this is not the case but that's just what it seems like. I'm sick of asking EVERY customer how to spell the name they ask for. Names used to be so simple and easy with ONE WAY TO SPELL IT. One way to spell Stacie or Joe or Meagan.

     Some people get mad that they can't ever seem to find there kids name on anything. Well, when your kids name is Liowerkjnsvm, you will never be able to find it anywhere and, no, you have no right to get offended when you can't find it. And your poor child will never be able to find their name anywhere and besides that no one will be able to pronounce it. 

     Think twice before you name your kid something so abstract people. Ugh! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Nerd Talk

     From a Nerd With Love,


My Perfect Gift

     Boyfriend and I have been dating since January, so, not that long but long enough. I have thought very hard about what to get him for Christmas. Presents are going to be short and sweet this year.

             Christmas - December 25th
           Anniversary - January 8th
           valentine's - February 14th
         Birthday(his) - March 6th
        Birthday(mine) - April 26th

     Keep in mind we're not married, we don't have kids, and we rent the house we live in. So money is not the problem. It's that "He's hard to shop for" thing. What do you give a man who has everything new and awesome and if he doesn't have it, he gets it anyway??

     Well, a few things went through my head and those were money issues... my ideas started with an iPad. He doesn't have one, he's a techy and he would love it. My second idea for him was a week trip to Hawaii for the both of us.    :)   My third big idea was a new TV for the living room... it's a great TV but the other new one we got for the bedroom... way more awesome!!

     Problems with my gifts:
1. Ipad - $500   :(
2. Trip to Hawaii for 2 - $2000+
3. TV - $800

     I work at the bar down the street. I can't make $2000+ dollars extra before christmas. That would be great though if I could. Maybe I would have actually kept my job. Tee hee.  ;)

     So my final idea I got from reading Cosmo magazine. It's cheaper and can be totally fun.

     Renting a hotel room for a day or two. No phones, no people, no work, and no problems. I'm thinking a king suite with a whirlpool sounds amazing. It could be like one of those romance movies people are always telling me about. Rose petals all over the bed, Lingerie, champagne and a tasteful movie.

     We could soak in the whirlpool or we could lay in bed or he can read to me our novel we've been indulged in lately. We could go swim, give eachother a massage, or watch movies. We could even eat strawberries and chocolate and whipped cream.

     It sounds pretty amazing to me whatever we decide to do.

    Hotel room - $150 +/-
Strawberries - $3
Chocolate - $2
Whipped cream $2
Rose Petals - $5

total = about $200

     This will be fantastic. I love you Honey!
Can't wait til Christmas. Hope you don't read this before then.   :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011


New Song I found. Kinda Catchy. Love It.
Ke$ha : Blind


Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Job Ate My Life

     For months now, I have bent over backwards for my job. Late notices, covering shifts, and staying late or closing when needed. I soon realized that I would do anything for anyone up there but no one would do anything in return.

     If I took a shift for someone, numerous times, they would never return the favor. If I closed for someone or took over their section, they would never return the favor. My boss could tell me to do anything and with no question or arguing I did it. But I realized I was the only one who they would come to and demand shit be done.

     Lately, I have not been taking shit from anyone not even my boss. Unless everyone is treated the way I am, I don't do shit for them.

     For a while I was working 40-50 hours a week claimed as "part-time". I worked Friday and Saturday nights and then pulling doubles on Sundays. Most times I would close the night before (which is 2:00am) and then come to work for a double the next day (which would be like 10:00am-11:00pm (with no breaks mind you!!!)) I recently worked a 15 hour day from (9:00am to 12:00am) with no break. NO BREAK AT ALL. NONE. NOT EVEN ONE MINUTE. I ate once at noon and I only was able to eat half of what I ordered. I didn't get to eat after that until after I got off work ... at midnight.

     The new schedule that came out this week was late already. I was scheduled for Saturday morning during the Husker game so I made plans with my boyfriend accordingly. The next day there was no schedule on the wall at work so none of us had any idea when we worked next we just had to guess. The next day after that there appeared to be a new schedule up and shifts were changed. Imagine me being the one who got f***ed over.

     She switched me from Saturday morning (decent section) to Saturday night in the piano bar. She scheduled me back there for an event that might not even be showing.

     I asked if she could switch me back to morning and she said no. I told her that I made plans according to the original schedule and I can't just cancel them. She pretty much told me tough shit. How effing rude is this? She took me out of my section from Saturday morning and put another girl in 2 sections.

     So I have been debating on whether I should just not show up and quit or just call in that day saying "I'm not coming in because I'm not coming in." My excuse is personal and no you do not have the right to ask. They need to realize that they cannot just F*** with me and that everything will be okay. My Job is not my life. My career will be my life. This is my JOB this is your CAREER. Get over yourself.

Why I Hate My Job. Part 4

     The other night I was at work the same night that everything else was going wrong. Yes, more happened. One of the last table I had were all drunk off their asses only one was sober to drive home.

     They were, at first, nice and easy to handle. Keep in mind I was running from dining to piano bar all night. As the night grew older these people just became more and more drunk and more and more annoying.

    While I was checking on my tables in dining I look to the back and see my boss pouring a beer for one of my guests. I was just over there and refilled everything they had so I went over to question. When I got over there I asked my boss who she was getting a drink for and she said one of the ladies at my table.

     I explained I was just over here and refilled everything. She said the lady was BEHIND the bar and POURING HER OWN 32.oz BEER. She was trying to steal beer. End of story.

     My boss scolded me and said that if she was caught doing it again she would charge me for an entire keg of beer. WTF right??? How is it my fault that you (my boss) did NOT schedule anyone for the piano bar that night and no one is back there watching these people.

     So then I got stuck baby-sitting these stupid drunk idiots. Neglecting my other tables in the section that I was originally scheduled in. There was a guy sitting at the next table over who had actually succeeded in getting a beer so my table thought "oh, if he can do it, we can too."

     The 2 culprits who were attempting to get free beer got up and went to the bathroom so I decided it was my chance to go check on my other tables. As I was walking back there, the other two were coming back from the bathroom and walking directly in front of me. She started walking around the back of the bar giving yet another try at free beer until she looked up and saw me and was like "oh, shit." Yeah, fucker, I'm still back here baby-sitting you. Go sit the hell down.

     So I went to tell my boss that she tried again. My boss was actually willing to kick her ass out this time. Because stealing beer is bad. While my boss was walking back there she noticed one of the drunk from my table back by the bathrooms. He tore the bathroom sign off the door (ripping paint and chipping wood off the door as well).

     She proceeded to kick him out and go attend to the other children at the table. I cashed them out and they were forced to leave. Duh. After they left my boss had noticed that the womens restroom sign was missing too. They did get away with that one.

Strike 4.

     I quit.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why I Hate My Job. Part 3

     Last night I was scheduled in dining and had to watch piano bar room to also take tables. Already frustrating. Nobody was specifically scheduled in piano room so there was about 4 or 5 of us girls taking tables in piano room. More confusing than anything. So there were a couple tables last night that didn't get service right away because it was hard for us to keep track.

     I got assigned a table that had been sitting there for a while and when I walked up to the table, the girl at the table had a scowl on her face and had an attitude with me already. Snapping every order at me, questioning me to see if I understood her, and demanding I be faster even though she could clearly see that our building was full in every section if she cared about something other than herself.

     The football game was playing over the speakers so I was having a hard time hearing and she barked her order at me and I asked to repeat it because I could hear and she said "No." Seriously??? When the food came out it was no surprise her order was wrong. She bitched at me for that and I explained that I asked her to repeat it and since she said no I did my best with what I thought I heard. So she repeated it again and I had to have them remake it.

     I brought that out and apparently it was still wrong. So I gave up after that. When I went back to the table to check up on everything she scolded me that she had been waiting 10 minutes for another drink. Her drink was still half full. I tried to explain that when the drink gets low we have to ask if they want another drink. She told me I was wrong and stupid.

     I saw that the table was done with their food so I started pre-bussing the table when she throws her plate on top of the stack that I had in my hand which was already off balance. The plate fell to the floor and broke. She stood up and yelled at me "Can you not do anything right you stupid whore?" Oh My God. Are you effing serious??? I threw the plates down on the table and said "listen, you stupid bitch, I have been putting up with your shit since I walked up to the table. I don't know why you have been treating me like shit but I don't appreciate it and I'm not putting up with it anymore."

     I went to the computer and printed their receipt and made them cash out. She said she wanted to speak to my boss, that I couldn't treat her this way and blah blah blah. She ended up staying but I told all the other servers how she treated me and no one would serve her so they ended up leaving anyway.

     Seriously thought I was going to get fired last night just for that. Stupid bitch. Oh, yeah, and they stiffed me. No tip.

Strike 3.

Why I Hate My Job. Part 2

     Last night I had a lady order a long island iced tea. I had to card her of course because I don't want to lose my job or get fined or anything. Okay, she's old enough so I bring her one.

     I come back a couple minutes later and she waves her hand at me and says "Excuse me!" (Don't ever wave your hand at your server.) Anyway, I walk over there to see what's wrong and she says to me "YOU made a f***ing horrible drink." I said "Ma'am I am not a bartender I did not make your drink the bartender did." and She says in return "Well, it's f***ing terrible, it's way too strong."

     First of all, you ordered a long island. It has like 6-7 alcohols inside of it. Of course it's going to be strong you dumb ass!! What the hell did you think? That it was going to be fruity??? Oh My God. And surprise!!! They stiffed me too. No tip. Even though I took off the damn drink for her and offered her something else instead. Good God people, seriously. Wise up.

Strike 2.

Why I Hate My job. Part 1

     People like this.

     I wait on a table, do the standard intro, get their order and plug it into the computer. I have to repeat the order just so there are no mess-ups. So last night I took my tables order I repeated everything from drinks to specifications of their food. When the food was brought out the father figure at the table scolded me telling me this is NOT what he ordered.

     So I try to be polite about it. When I repeated the order the guy had ordered a burger melt which comes on bread not a bun. It's a melt dude not a regular hamburger. Anyway he said that he had ordered a bacon cheese burger instead of this unknown mysterious item.

     I take it to the back and apologize to the kitchen and explain that this guy had changed his mind. They fix it in no time and I bring it back to the guy. Did he even thank me??? Of course not. I had a full section in dining and I was also taking tables in the piano bar room. Running back and forth was getting frustrating. Thank God most of my tables were being extremely patient.

     I went back to this table several times to check up on them and see if everything was still okay and if they needed anything. After this table was done eating the told me they needed their check so I retrieved it quickly. Their order came to $55.51 after I took off both items the guy had ordered just because I thought they would make me anyway. They didn't say thanks for that either. They gave me $60.00 and demanded change. This leaves $4.49 as change. Which for other people this would be my tip.

     These bastards took the dish their check came in, the check, the change and left me nothing. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

     I am not the greatest server in the world but I take good care of my tables and I know I never deserve to be stiffed. EVER.

Strike 1.