Monday, March 12, 2012

My New Job... May Be A Career ???

     I know it's been a while since I last blogged but I have been super busy with my new job.

     A few weeks ago I was complaining about not getting a response from people that I have applied with. Well, with all that frustration I checked my email frequently and in doing that I found that I received an email from a company about my resume online.

     I have previously received a few of these so yes, I had to check it and see if it was legit. Surprise! It was.

     I got an email from Performance Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram telling me that I had exactly what they were looking for. At the time, I was speechless. I couldn't figure out where they got this information from or whose resume they were actually looking at...

     So I took a shot at it. I went in and went through the interview and got accepted. Yay me! So next, the group of us went through mini-training. A week of weeding through the best of 'em then we had our final interview. Turns out one of the men interviewing me went to high school with me. He graduated 2 years before me. Small world. Any who... passed that and began phase 3. Official training.

     I have been on the floor officially 3 weeks now. The first two were mainly learning product knowledge. Which I have learned a lot but there is still so much more to learn. It's crazy but lots of fun. I started actually helping people and actually selling cars the middle of last week. I got my license to sell and I have been taking every advantage I can.

     I have sold 2 cars already and I am not stopping. It is such a rush... I love making these people happy and finding exactly what they need and giving them the best deal I can.

     My first customers bought a 2012 Dodge Durango Citadel. Ah-mazing! They loved it and I don't think they could've gotten any more excited about it... It felt great... This is what it looks like:

     My second customer bought a pre-owned from Performance. It was a 2005 Ford F150 Supercab Lariat. In almost excellent condition. Also had a bed-liner. Great truck. Great deal.

     Any way. These people left completely happy and thrilled about their new vehicles. I think I may have found a job that I FINALLY enjoy. I get to talk to people, drive new vehicles, and potentially make them all happy when they drive away in their new vehicles. I really enjoy what I do. Maybe I found the job for me...  :)