Friday, August 19, 2011

Guys Answer Your Sex Questions Part 4

46. Are men intimidated if a girl brings her vibe to bed? Some are - especially younger guys. To be safe, wait until you've been sleeping together at least a couple of months.

47. Is biting ever a turn-on? If so, where and how hard. Do you mean biting of the wang? No, that's not cool. Biting on other parts is okay.

48. How does it feel to be inside a girl? Like you're sitting in a hot tub while riding a roller coaster.

49. What do we do wrong in bed that guys don't tell us? Be more assertive. It is such a turn-on when a girl tells us what she likes.

50. If I touch my guy's butt during sex, he shuts down. Why is he sensitive about it? Some guys want every inch explored. Others don't. You're with an other.

51. What does an orgasm feel like for a guy? Eating your favorite meal, getting a massage, and winning the lottery all at once. But better.

52. Which do guys like best, us on top or them? You on top, going up and down. Grinding doesn't feel that great, but we know it works for you.

53. Do men want their nipples played with? If so, how? It depends on the guy. If you want to test the waters, try mimicking the way he plays with yours.

54. Is period sex a turn-off? Everyone knows girls are hornier on their period. If she's down, we're down.

55. How important is it to make a woman climax? Very important! It's a huge confidence booster when we know we're pleasing you.

56. Are guys really into getting foreplay for their own sake? Most men enjoy foreplay, just for less time than woman do.

57. Is my O face hot? It turns us on - not because of the way you look but because we know the mission was a success.

58. How do we know if you're having sex or making love? If the guy is focusing a lot on your pleasure, it's probably more than "just" sex to him.

59. Do guys ever fake it? Some guys no doubt do it occasionally. But it almost certainly has nothing to do with you.

60. Should a girl acknowledge a queef? We only care if she calls attention to it. Ignore it, and let's finish what we started.

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