Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How not to host an interview

     So I recently applied for a management position for a well known family restaurant. I won't name any names:

     But my application was accepted and they offered me a time to set up for an interview. My interview was scheduled for Monday, January 2nd at 2:00pm.

     I left my house 45 minutes early to get there early. Makes sense, yes. When I arrived they sat me in a booth and told me he would be there shortly. 

     Little did I know how LONG I would be waiting. A half an hour passed before one of the male servers came over and offered me a drink. So now I'm sitting in the booth with a drink for even longer.

     He finally showed up at 3:15pm (an hour and 15 minutes late mind you) to tell me something I already knew.

     He asked if I had a "management" resume. I had to email my resume with the application I filled out online. I specifically stated I had never held the title of a manager. Never had the position.

     He told me this and said that this was a problem. That I was not qualified for this position because I did not have a management resume.

     First of all, buddy, if you had actually READ my resume it clearly stated that I had not had the title of manager.

     Second of all, if you did read my resume, why would you accept it KNOWING I had no previous manager experience.

     Third of all, you could have made a simple phone call to me explaining this so I didn't have to drive half and hour to get there, an hour and fifteen minutes to wait for you to show up and half an hour drive back home.

     He asked if I was interested in a serving position... If I was interested in a serving position I would not have applied for the management position. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind.

     After he felt the need to do this to me I felt like being rude back so when he was asking again (just to make sure I guess) if I was interested in a serving position I cut him off mid-sentence and said "This interview is done." I got up and left him in the booth and just walked out. 

     How effing rude. This is obviously not a company you would like to work for. They are afraid to be upfront and honest, they obviously don't read resumes and if they do they are just accepting it to waste your time and irresponsible when it comes to hiring. 

     I have worked 2 serving jobs previously. I know how to fill out/do paperwork. I know how to make the schedule. I know what extra sidework has to be done. Let's just say I know the drill. Plenty of experience and knowledge. You have to start somewhere and apparently a lot of experience is not good enough.

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