Friday, January 27, 2012

Update : Bucket List

Here is the start and I'm always adding more:

[ ] 1. Sky Dive!
[ ] 2. Visit all 50 States
[ ] 3. Get a tattoo
[x] 4. Para sail
[ ] 5. Change someones life
[ ] 6. Visit all desired places (see list)
[ ] 7. Visit a real beach
[ ] 8. Invent something
[ ] 9. Graduate College
[ ] 10. Make a name for myself
[ ] 11. Visit Oregon State university Campus
[ ] 12. Become fluent in another language
[ ] 13. Streak
[ ] 14. Skinny Dip
[x] 15. Send a message in a bottle
[x] 16. Fall seriously madly deeply in LOVE
[ ] 17. Write a novel
[ ] 18. Shower in a waterfall
[ ] 19. Teach an illiterate to read
[ ] 20. Sleep under the stars
[ ] 21. Learn to juggle
[ ] 22. Drive the autobahn
[ ] 23. Overcome biggest fears
[ ] 24. Donate money for something (and display my name)
[ ] 25. Scuba Dive and Snorkel
[x] 26. Kiss a stranger
[ ] 27. Ride in a hot air balloon
[ ] 28. Deep sea fish
[ ] 29. Swim with Dolphins
[ ] 30. Swim with Sharks
[x] 31. Write a play
[x] 32. Sing in front of a crowd
[ ] 33. Witness Serengeti Migration
[ ] 34. Watch the sunrise/sunset with someone special in an exotic place
[ ] 35. learn to surf
[ ] 36. Set foot on all 7 continents
[x] 37. Learn to cook
[x] 38. Pull an all nighter
[ ] 39. Go whale watching
[ ] 40. Write my biography
[ ] 41. Run with the bulls
[ ] 42. Bungee Jump
[x] 43. Bury a time capsule
[ ] 44. Learn to play the guitar
[ ] 45. Receive my ultimate dream proposal
[ ] 46. Meet my favorite 3 people
[ ] 47. Learn to break dance
[ ] 48. Learn to wind surf
[ ] 49. Name or Own my own star
[ ] 50. Build a GIANT sand castle
[ ] 51. Complete all fantasies
[ ] 52. Ride a bull ( real or mechanical)
[ ] 53. Grow a six pack and be sexy
[ ] 54. Climb a mountain
[ ] 55. Go through a toll booth and pay for me and the person behind me
[ ] 56. Witness a Tornado
[ ] 57. Travel each route I have mapped out
[ ] 58. Attend an MLB World Series game
[ ] 59. Learn sign language
[ ] 60. See the Northern Lights
[ ] 61. Keep a diary of every day for 1 year
[ ] 62. Apply for a passport just to have one
[ ] 63. Release a Khom Fai
[ ] 64. See the Great Barrier Reef
[ ] 65. Visit the Amazon
[ ] 66. Participate in Mardi Gras
[ ] 67. New Years Eve at Time Square
[ ] 68. Put together a model car
[ ] 69. Learn to Salsa or Tango
[x] 70. Try eating Sushi (Ew!)
[ ] 71. Take up photography and be decent at it
[ ] 72. Collect seashells along the beach
[ ] 73. Sex on a water bed
[ ] 74. Go Spelunking
[ ] 75. Have sex on the beach while having a sex on the beach
[ ] 76. Drive a Monster Truck
[ ] 77. See the place where the water runs opposite
[x] 78. Sex under the stars
[ ] 79. Bowl over 200
[ ] 80. Take singing lessons and learn to sing better
[ ] 81. Learn to do a back flip
[ ] 82. participate in a parade
[ ] 83. Visit a Volcano
[ ] 84. Get Married (only once!!!)
[ ] 85. Make a lei necklace :)
[ ] 86. Learn to throw a boomerang
[x] 87. Witness a Meteor Shower
[ ] 88. Visit Easter Island
[ ] 89. Visit remaining 7 wonders of the world
[x] 90. Walk along the Oregon Trail
[ ] 91. Visit the four corners of the USA
[ ] 92. Eat at the undersea restaurant Ithaa
[ ] 93. Fall asleep in a hammock
If you are reading this and anything comes to mind, don't hesitate to let me know! :)

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