Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Perfect Gift

     Boyfriend and I have been dating since January, so, not that long but long enough. I have thought very hard about what to get him for Christmas. Presents are going to be short and sweet this year.

             Christmas - December 25th
           Anniversary - January 8th
           valentine's - February 14th
         Birthday(his) - March 6th
        Birthday(mine) - April 26th

     Keep in mind we're not married, we don't have kids, and we rent the house we live in. So money is not the problem. It's that "He's hard to shop for" thing. What do you give a man who has everything new and awesome and if he doesn't have it, he gets it anyway??

     Well, a few things went through my head and those were money issues... my ideas started with an iPad. He doesn't have one, he's a techy and he would love it. My second idea for him was a week trip to Hawaii for the both of us.    :)   My third big idea was a new TV for the living room... it's a great TV but the other new one we got for the bedroom... way more awesome!!

     Problems with my gifts:
1. Ipad - $500   :(
2. Trip to Hawaii for 2 - $2000+
3. TV - $800

     I work at the bar down the street. I can't make $2000+ dollars extra before christmas. That would be great though if I could. Maybe I would have actually kept my job. Tee hee.  ;)

     So my final idea I got from reading Cosmo magazine. It's cheaper and can be totally fun.

     Renting a hotel room for a day or two. No phones, no people, no work, and no problems. I'm thinking a king suite with a whirlpool sounds amazing. It could be like one of those romance movies people are always telling me about. Rose petals all over the bed, Lingerie, champagne and a tasteful movie.

     We could soak in the whirlpool or we could lay in bed or he can read to me our novel we've been indulged in lately. We could go swim, give eachother a massage, or watch movies. We could even eat strawberries and chocolate and whipped cream.

     It sounds pretty amazing to me whatever we decide to do.

    Hotel room - $150 +/-
Strawberries - $3
Chocolate - $2
Whipped cream $2
Rose Petals - $5

total = about $200

     This will be fantastic. I love you Honey!
Can't wait til Christmas. Hope you don't read this before then.   :)

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