Sunday, May 15, 2011

Moving Day

     Boyfriend is seperating from the military. Needless to say boyfriend and I had to move. We found a nice house and scheduled moving dates and so on. One day people came to pack up our stuff. It only took them several hours. FOR TWO PEOPLE. It was an amazing system they had. They next day people came to load the stuff and unload the stuff. Again, several hours. After we relaxed and ate some food we started putting things away and unpacking, boxes upon boxes. I was so excited to get things put away and making everything look good and comfy and looking like a real home. :) I love boyfriend.
     As all people, when they move, hope they have nice neighbors. Not obnoxious or real party hardies, or secretive, or creepy, etc. We hadn't met any yet because we were all inside unpacking and stuff. We as in boyfriend, me, and our roomate Aaron. Obviously we took the master bedroom :) and Aaron took the spacious room downstairs on the opposite side of the house. This made him happy. But it gave us a spare bedroom upstairs, so now it's the ORANGE AND BLACK room. And I'm not kidding.
     Later on as I went to my truck to get some things out that we had put in there to transfer to the new house I walked outside and the neighbor across the street yells out "Hey nice tits!" SERIOUSLY, my first day here, not even unpacked or anything and this creep decides to piss me off first chance. Not only was a not wearing a shirt that showed cleavage and not a mid-drift, this accusation made no sense. Most girls would take this as a compliment and respond nicely. Not me, I'm not that girl. I am a bitch at heart. Boyfriend knows this that's why he likes me.
     Not only did I not respond or even acknowledge his existence, I walked inside like nothing happened and went to tell the boyfriend. Of course he was upset too, having people cat call to his girlfriend and such. A couple days later boyfriend went to go talk to the father figure of the house, finding out it was a girl who said it in the first place. Now, I'm NOT a lesbian and I really don't care if you are, just don't dish it out on me. Either way the father figure apologized and said it wouldn't happen again. We'll just see abou that.

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