Sunday, May 15, 2011

My First Drunk Experience

     It was the day of my 22nd Birthday and I had never been drunk before. I know 22 and never been drunk... what the hell right? Well I didn't even drink til I was 21. And I'm talking about the stage just before wasted and just after buzzed. I still remember most of the night but not ALL of it. This came as a surprise to me the next morning.

     My friends begged me to have my party at the club we always went to downtown. So, I made plans for it to be at this club that they were desperately begging for. At the time it was 3 of my girlfriends, brother, and boyfriend of 4 years. (not anymore) We were all having a good time, brother kept buying my shots and drinks, it was great. This was also the night I found that my body does NOT like Bacardi. Sad day. Anywho it was getting close to closing time so we all headed outside.

     This is the part I DON'T remember, standing out on the curb getting ready to walk to the truck. Brother tells me a girl walked by behind us bitching and whining about her boyfriend and I wasn't having it. He said I turned around and just let her have it. I was following her and scolding her all the way inside the building. How she was ruining my night, that I didn't come out to here her bitch, and she was ruining my fantastic eveing and ruining my birthday and so on. Again, I don't remember this. He said that I was in her face inside the building and I got so loud and verbally abusive that her boyfriend stepped in and punched me. Fucking punched me. This was obviously not a fight between him and I, let alone him being involved at all. This enraged me more.

      I was told that he was escorted out by two policemen and put in a cop car. hahaha ... dick. So we went back outside and walked to our trucks. My Boyfriend at the time drove me to his house and brother followed. When we arrived they both carried my inside. On the way up the stairs I noticed something to my left and apparently asked what it was. They told me it was a raccoon and that it would eat me and infect me with rabies if I didn't get inside. They told me they were shocked when I started freaking out and screaming. DUH! So when we were inside I remember asking the boyfriend if I could sit down... he said yes and all I remember is just hitting the floor. face first. 

      I woke up in my boyfriends bed, naked. Don't really know how it happened but that wasn't important. My boyfriend relayed the story to me and I was so embarassed. But I love to laugh at myself so I thought it was hilarious. As I was walking out of my boyfriends house I looked to my right and realized what they told me was a viscious raccoon was really a bird house. I am a moron when intoxicated. I laughed and we went to go get breakfast and continue talking about the previous night.

1 comment:

  1. yeah that night cost me $120
    but damn it was a hell of a time.
